rebotherm News
Here you will find interesting news and everything you need to know about infrared heaters with carbon. We regularly update important information on the subject of interior insulation.
Insulate living space with Aerogel
Insulate your living space with Aerogel! Efficient thermal insulation for your home The Insulate living space with Aerogel is an advanced method of insulating your home efficiently. Here is some important information: What is aerogel? Aerogel is an extremely light and...
Reduce energy costs with interior insulation
Reduce energy costs with interior insulation! Saving energy with insulation explained simply. Prices for heating oil and gas are going through the roof just in time for the dark and cold season. The price of natural gas rose by more than 170.5 percent and the price of...
Saving with heating paint
Saving with a heating coat is no longer a wish, but a reality thanks to the new GEG (Building Energy Act). The new Act on Energy Conservation and the Use of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling in Buildings (Building Energy Act - GEG) brings together the Energy...
Renovation with insulation
Renovierung mit Dämmung einfach erklärt. Die ungemütliche Jahreszeit mit niedrigen Temperaturen, Regen und langer Dunkelheit ist angebrochen. Wer freut sich da nicht auf ein gemütliches und vor allem warmes Zuhause. Doch leider ist es mit der Behaglichkeit, besonders...
Infrared heating novelty
Infrarotheizung Neuheit mit wohliger Wärme der Carbon Heizfarbe. Unsere neuartige Infrarotheizung in Plattenform mit einem edlen farbigem Aluminiumrahmen, stufenloser Temperaturregelung und Fernbedienung. Wiegt nur 1200 Gramm ist lediglich 12 mm dick und erzeugt 100%...
Cellar wall drying with carbon heating paint
Carbon heating paint for basement wall drying simplifies the renovation of damp basement walls with just one coat! Infrared heating reliably ensures dry masonry. No water from outside, basement wall damp. And that in summer! A common cause of damp and wet walls is the...
Heating paint with TÜV certificate
Heating paint with TÜV certificate! The first heating paint with TÜV certification is now in use. Based on our many years of experience with carbon heating, we have two heating colors for use. The high-end colors with 5 or 10 Ohm for large-area low-temperature...